[m-dev.] Inductive goals
Mark Brown
11 years ago
Hi everyone,

Here is a concrete proposal for "inductive goals" in Mercury. I'm
going to avoid calling these "loops", since logic programmers
understandably take a dim view of these (hint: if it terminates, it's
not really a loop). The goals are called inductive because they are
logically equivalent to the conjunction of a sequence of goals, with
this sequence being inductively defined. They could also be called
"for" goals, since that is the keyword they begin with.

This follows on from the "Adding Loops to Mercury" thread earlier this
month, but I've started a new thread for this specific proposal. This
is to put the design on the record. I'm not planning to implement it
myself at this time.

Would this meet people's requirements?


Inductive Goals

1. Background

The declarative semantics is essentially that of the "more
complicated" version of sequence quantifiers that Fergus Henderson
writes about [1], which are based on Peter Schachte's Sequence
Quantification [2]. The operational semantics are derived from
Sebastian Brand's generic inline iteration proposal [3], which in turn
is derived from Joachim Schimpf's Logical Loops [4].

The main challenge for Mercury is to perform the Logical Loops
translation in such a way that precise determinisms are preserved.
This proposal achieves that by using available mode information to
direct the translation.

[1] http://lists.mercurylang.org/pipermail/developers/2000-December/010812.html
[2] http://lists.mercurylang.org/pipermail/developers/2014-January/015962.html
[3] http://lists.mercurylang.org/pipermail/developers/2005-December/013919.html
[4] http://www.eclipseclp.org/reports/index.html

2. Sequences

We start by defining two kinds of sequence: which I will call map
sequences and fold sequences. For a given sequence of values, the map
sequence is just those values in the same order, while the fold
sequence is the sequence of consecutive pairs of values. So for the
values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we have:

elements of map sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
elements of fold sequence: (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)

The actual values involved will be defined inductively by the goal body.

Two or more sequences "correspond" if they are all of the same length.
Note that this implies that fold sequences contain one more value than
corresponding map sequences, since they include both the initial and
final value.

3. Syntax

Inductive goals are written like this:

for $sequence, ... mismatch $mismatch do $body

The intuitive meaning of this is to iterate over all sequences in
lockstep, executing $body for each set of corresponding elements, and
executing $mismatch if the sequences don't correspond. The mismatch
goal is optional, and defaults to throwing a software error. If given,
the mismatch goal is not allowed to succeed (i.e., it must have
determinism failure or erroneous).

Sequences are written in one of the following forms:

$X maps $Xs
[$Current, $Next] folds [$First, $Last]
[$A0, $A]

The first says that $X is an element in the map sequence defined by
$Xs. The second says that ($Current, $Next) is an element in the fold
sequence whose first value is $First and whose last value is $Last.
The third is just shorthand for '[$A0, $A] folds [$A0, $A]', and can
be used if $A0 and $A are Mercury variables (the other forms can be
used with arbitrary Mercury expressions).

Mercury variables on the left hand side of 'maps' or 'folds' are
quantified in the body. Those on the right hand side are free (i.e.,
non-local to the inductive goal). For the shorthand form, $A0 and $A
stand for two pairs of variables with the same names, one pair of
which is quantified in the body while the other is free.

4. Examples

Here's how to implement a few of the existing list.m library predicates.

all_true(P, Xs) :- for X maps Xs do P(X).

map(P, Xs, Ys) :- for X maps Xs, Y maps Ys do P(X, Y).

length(Xs, N) :- for _ maps Xs, [I, I + 1] folds [0, N] do true.

map_corresponding3_foldl(P, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, !S) :-
for A maps As, B maps Bs, C maps Cs, D maps Ds, [!S]
mismatch throw("list.map_corresponding3_foldl: length mismatch")
do P(A, B, C, D, !S).

The code for map3_foldl is the same as for map_corresponding3_foldl,
except that the mismatch clause isn't needed. These predicates are
effectively different modes of the same inductive goal.

Sequences that can fail can be useful:

take(N, List, Start) :-
[I, I + 1] folds [0, N],
[[X | Xs0], Xs0] folds [List, _], % can fail
X maps Start
do true.

The do goal can refer to non-local variables, although it is not
allowed to bind them. This example refers to the non-local Stream
variable to print the elements in a list:

write_elements(Stream, Xs, !IO) :-
for X maps Xs, [!IO] do
write(Stream, X, !IO),
nl(Stream, !IO).

Filtering is not done by the construct itself, but is easily done in the body:

filter_map_corresponding(F, As, Bs) = Cs :-
for A maps As, B maps Bs, [Cs1, Cs0] folds [Cs, []]
mismatch throw("filter_map_corresponding/2: length mismatch")
( if C = F(A, B) then
Cs1 = [C | Cs0]
Cs1 = Cs0

Here's an example that calls P on all the unordered pairs of elements
of list Xs, with accumulator !A:

for [[X | Tail], Tail] folds [Xs, []], [!A] do
for Y maps Tail, [!A] do
P(X, Y, !A).

Here's an example of iterating over a sequence defined by the
functions empty/0, next/1 and value/1:

for [S, next(S)] folds [Start, empty], [!IO] do write(value(S), !IO).

Here's a similar example using function empty/0 and predicate next/3:

for [!S] folds [Start, empty], [!IO] do next(I, !S), write(I, !IO).

One thing that inductive goals can't do is use a predicate to decide
if the sequence is empty. The test for whether the sequence is empty
is done by unifying the sequence with a specific value. So an integer
sequence can end with a test like I = N, but not one like I > N. The
same effect, however, can be obtained by adding an extra sequence of
booleans that say whether the induction should continue:

% Counts while $Test succeeds.
for [I, I + 1] folds [0, _], [!Continue] folds [yes, no] do
( if $Test then $Body else !:Continue = no ).

As a final example, inductive goals can also be used to generate
sequences of all lengths. This goal generates all lists of 0s and 1s:

for X maps Xs do ( X = 0 ; X = 1 ).

5. Semantics

The meaning of the inductive goal is given by universally quantifying
over all sequence positions. So for example the goal:

$X maps $Xs,
[$Current, $Next] folds [$First, $Last],
[$A0, $A],

means the following:

all [I] (
$X is the I'th element of $Xs /\
$Current is the I'th value of the first fold sequence /\
$Next is the (I+1)'th value of the first fold sequence /\
$A0 is the I'th value of the second fold sequence /\
$A is the (I + 1)'th value of the second fold sequence /\

6. Types and Modes

Types are determined by the type signatures of the sequence
expressions, which are as follows:

all [T] (T maps list(T))
all [T] ([T, T] folds [T, T])

These ensure each sequence is typed consistently, but allow different
sequences to have unrelated types.

Like types, modes are determined by the mode signatures of the
sequence expressions. For each form of sequence there is a selection
of modes to choose from. This choice is made for each sequence
independently. The modes are as follows:

% Input modes:
in(I) maps in(list(I))
[in(I), out(I)] folds [in(I), in(I)]

% Output modes:
out(I) maps out(list(I))
[in(I), out(I)] folds [in(I), out(I)]
[mdi, muo] folds [mdi, muo]
[di, uo] folds [di, uo]
[out(I), in(I)] folds [out(I), in(I)]

Sequences with input modes determine the number of iterations that are
generated. Sequences with output modes work with any number of

In order to schedule an inductive goal, the mode analyser needs to
schedule all sequences at the same time. This involves checking that,
for each fold sequence, at least one of the terms on the right hand
side is instantiated. Scheduling should probably be delayed until as
many sequences are in the input mode as possible, which will ensure
the strongest determinism result. Note that all inst variables will be
bound when the goal is scheduled, so inst variables won't need to
appear in generated code.

7. Determinism

In Mercury, the determinism of a goal or expression is specified by
the answers to three questions:

- Can the goal or expression fail?
- Can the goal produce multiple solutions? (Expressions aren't
allowed to do this.)
- Does the goal or expression have to be evaluated in a committed
choice context?

For any of these questions, if the answer is yes for the body goal or
the head expressions on the right hand side of the sequence operators,
then it is yes for the inductive goal as a whole. This is also true
for the expressions on the left hand side of the sequence operators,
with one exception. The exception is that, in the input mode for
'folds', the first argument on the left hand side is never tested
against the value of the second argument on the right hand side; had
it taken that value, the inductive goal would already have terminated.
So this expression does not itself need to be proven never to fail. If
it does actually ever fail on some other value, the inductive goal
either fails or the mismatch goal is executed (behaviour in this
respect is undefined - in the translation below it fails if all
sequences are output, but throws the mismatch exception in all other

Aside from the previous paragraph, the only other way an inductive
goal can fail is if the mismatch goal fails, which can only occur if
it has a failure determinism. The only other way an inductive goal can
produce multiple solutions is if all sequences are in the output mode.
There are no other circumstances in which an inductive goal must be
evaluated in a committed choice context.

8. Translation

Inductive goals are translated at compile time into a call to a
compiler generated predicate. The predicate is passed the following

- One argument for each non-local variable occurring in the body
or in the mismatch goal.
- One argument for each map sequence.
- Two arguments for each fold sequence.

In the first case, the arguments are the non-local variable
themselves. In the other two cases, the arguments are those
expressions appearing on the right hand side of the relevant sequence.

For example, Separator is non-local in the following goal:

for X maps Xs, [!IO] do write(X, !IO), write_string(Separator, !IO)

This is translated into the call:

$predname(Separator, Xs, !IO)

where $predname is the name of the generated predicate.

In the signature of the generated predicate, the types of the
parameters are determined directly from the types of the arguments
listed above. For each of the non-local arguments the mode is 'in(I)',
where I is the inst of the non-local at the time the call is
scheduled. For the other arguments, the mode is determined by the
selected mode of the sequence in question. The determinism can be
inferred according to the rules given earlier.

For the example above, $predname would be given the following signature:

:- pred $predname(string::in, list(T)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

The head of the generated clause uses the same names for the non-local
head variables as are used in the original goal. For map sequences,
the head variables are named _M1, _M2, etc, and for fold sequences
they are named _Fa1, _Fb1, _Fa2, _Fb2, etc.

For each sequence we define two goals, the end goal and the step goal.
The end goal defines the end of the sequence, while the step goal
defines each step along the way. For i'th map sequence '$X maps $Xs',
the goals are:

end goal: _Mi = []
step goal: _Mi = [$X | _Mri]

where _Mri is a fresh variable. For the i'th fold sequence '[$Current,
$Next] folds [$First, $Last]', the goals are:

end goal: _Fai = _Fbi
step goal: _Fai = $Current

The generated clause makes one recursive call to itself. The
non-locals are passed as is. For the i'th map sequence, the recursive
argument is _Mri. For the i'th fold sequence, the two arguments are
$Next and _Fbi.

The general form of the generated clause body depends on which of the
sequences are used in an input mode, and which are output. If there is
at least one input sequence, the body has this general form:

( if
conjunction of input end goals
conjunction of output end goals
else if
conjunction of input step goals
conjunction of output step goals,
recursive call

If all of the sequences are output, the body has this general form:

conjunction of end goals
conjunction of step goals,
recursive call

The example from above is repeated here:

for X maps Xs, [!IO] do write(X, !IO), write_string(Separator, !IO)

For this inductive goal, which is called with the first sequence in
the input mode, we generate the following clause (with state variable
!IO expanded out to _IO_i):

$predname(Separator, _M1, _Fa1, _Fb1) :-
( if
_M1 = []
_Fa1 = _Fb1
else if
_M1 = [X | _Mr1]
_Fa1 = _IO_0,
write(X, _IO_0, _IO_1),
write_string(Separator, _IO_1, _IO_2),
$predname(Separator, _Mr1, _IO_2, _Fb1)
error("length mismatch in inductive goal")

9. Example translations

Here are the translations for a few of the examples from earlier. The
declarations include the determinism that ought to be inferred for the
introduced predicates.

Here is length/2 again:

length(Xs, N) :- for _ maps Xs, [I, I + 1] folds [0, N] do true.

In the (in, out) mode, this translates to:

length(Xs, N) :- aux_1(Xs, 0, N).

:- pred aux_1(list(T)::in, int::in, int::out) is det.

aux_1(_M1, _Fa1, _Fb1) :-
( if
_M1 = []
_Fa1 = _Fb1
else if
_M1 = [_ | _Mr1]
_Fa1 = I,
aux_1(_Mr1, I + 1, _Fb1)
error("length mismatch in inductive goal")

Here is map_corresponding3_foldl/7 again:

map_corresponding3_foldl(P, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, !S) :-
for A maps As, B maps Bs, C maps Cs, D maps Ds, [!S]
mismatch throw("list.map_corresponding3_foldl: length mismatch")
do P(A, B, C, D, !S).

The mode of the sequences is (in, in, in, out, out), so we generate this:

:- pred aux_2(
pred(A, B, C, D, S, S)::in(pred(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det),
list(A)::in, list(B)::in, list(C)::in, list(D)::out,
S::in, S::out) is det.

aux_2(P, _M1, _M2, _M3, _M4, _Fa1, _Fb1) :-
( if
_M1 = [], _M2 = [], _M3 = []
_M4 = [],
_Fa1 = _Fb1
else if
_M1 = [A | _Mr1], _M2 = [B | _Mr2], _M3 = [C | _Mr3]
_M4 = [D | _Mr4],
_Fa1 = _S_0,
P(A, B, C, D, _S_0, _S_1),
aux_2(P, _Mr1, _Mr2, _Mr3, _Mr4, _S_1, _Fb1)
throw("list.map_corresponding3_foldl: length mismatch")

If the mode of the sequences was (in, out, out, out, in, out), and
without a mismatch clause, then we would instead generate code like

:- pred aux_3(
pred(A, B, C, D, S, S)::in(pred(in, out, out, out, in, out) is det),
list(A)::in, list(B)::out, list(C)::out, list(D)::out,
S::in, S::out) is det.

aux_3(P, _M1, _M2, _M3, _M4, _Fa1, _Fb1) :-
( if
_M1 = []
_M2 = [], _M3 = [], _M4 = [],
_Fa1 = _Fb1
else if
_M1 = [A | _Mr1],
_M2 = [B | _Mr2], _M3 = [C | _Mr3], _M4 = [D | _Mr4],
_Fa1 = _S_0,
P(A, B, C, D, _S_0, _S_1),
aux_3(P, _Mr1, _Mr2, _Mr3, _Mr4, _S_1, _Fb1)
error("length mismatch in inductive goal")

Here is take/3 again:

take(N, List, Start) :-
[I, I + 1] folds [0, N],
[[X | Xs0], Xs0] folds [List, _], % can fail
X maps Start
do true.

We would generate:

:- pred aux_4(list(T)::out, int::in, int::in, list(T)::in,
list(T)::out) is semidet.

aux_4(_M1, _Fa1, _Fb1, _Fa2, _Fb2) :-
( if
_Fa1 = _Fb1
_M1 = [],
_Fa2 = _Fb2
else if
_Fa1 = I
_M1 = [X | _Mr1],
_Fa2 = [X | Xs0],
aux_4(_Mr1, I + 1, _Fb1, Xs0, _Fb2)
error("length mismatch in inductive goal")

Note that the unification of _Fa2 and [X | Xs0] can fail, making the
whole predicate semidet. This occurs when there are not enough
elements in List for the given value of N.

Here's the goal to generate all lists of zeroes and ones:

for X maps Xs do ( X = 0 ; X = 1 )

We would generate:

:- pred aux_5(list(int)::out) is multi.

aux_5(_M1) :-
_M1 = []
_M1 = [X | _Mr1],
( X = 0 ; X = 1 ),
Xiaofeng Yang
11 years ago
Hi, all.

Though I'm not a native english speaker, but I think that the keyword 'do'
looks so imperative. It's a good idea to use another keyword to make it
look more declarative, for example, like 'for ... that P(....)' .
Mark Brown
11 years ago
Hi Xiaofeng,
Post by Xiaofeng Yang
Hi, all.
Though I'm not a native english speaker, but I think that the keyword 'do'
looks so imperative. It's a good idea to use another keyword to make it look
more declarative, for example, like 'for ... that P(....)' .
Good point. As English verbs go, 'do' is about as imperative as you can get.

Perhaps the right word in English is 'ensure'. As in:

for X maps Xs, Y maps Ys ensure P(X, Y).

Since you're mentioning the concrete syntax, is it safe for me to
assume you agree with the semantics and abstract syntax?

Peter Schachte
11 years ago
Since someone has opened the floodgates for discussion of syntax...

I agree 'do' is very imperative sounding, but 'ensures' doesn't quite
have the right meaning: it sounds like it's asking for you to make the
body true, rather than check that it's true. Unfortunately, there's no
English word I know that means 'it is the case that'. The tradition in
logic is to use a '.' or a ':' in that context, but neither would be
good for Mercury. My vote would be to stay with 'do'.

The keyword 'maps' seems a bit quirky. Why not 'in'? It reads much
more naturally. Also, using square brackets for what must be pairs of
values in the folding syntax runs counter to the arbitrary length of
lists. How about using braces (tuples) instead?

I really like the 'mismatch' goal. I assume the default mismatch goal
is 'fail', but you could make it 'true' if you wanted, or an error, as
in your example, or unifications to give final values for folds. Nice.

Your example uses "[I, I + 1] folds [0, N]", but wouldn't 'I in 0..N' do
the same thing, and read much better?

As for functionality, you've covered mapping and folding nicely, but
filtering by using an if-else is a bit clunky. It would fit nicely with
the proposal to add one more thing you can include in the
comma-separated list of sequences: 'when Goal'. The semantics would be
like your example: (Goal -> Body ; Unifs) where Unifs unifies all the
folded variable pairs.

Having "do true" on the end may be reasonably common; you could make the
'do' optional, and true the default goal.

OK, last suggestion: as an alternative for the 'folds' syntax, how
about this:

$X from $Start to $End by $Func

which is equivalent to {$X,Func($X)} folds {$Start,$End}

The 'to' part could be optional, with "to _" being the default. You
could also make the 'by' part optional, with "by int.plus(1)" being the
default. Then length becomes:

length(List, Len) :- for _ in List, _ from 1 to Len.

and take and drop become:

take(N, List, Front) :- for _ from 1 to N, Elt from List by
list.tail, Elt in Front.
drop(N, List, Back) :- for _ from 1 to N, _ from List to Back by

Unfortunately, this still doesn't make it easy to quantify over sets,
maps, etc, but I think it's still pretty useful. Anyway, you can always
convert from sets, maps, etc to lists and then use this stuff, and
hopefully deforestation will give you the efficiency you want.
Peter Schachte All truth goes through three stages. First
University of Melbourne it is ridiculed. Then it is violently
***@unimelb.edu.au opposed. Finally, it is accepted as
www.cs.mu.oz.au/~schachte/ self-evident. -- Schoepenhouer
Phone: +61 3 8344 1338
Michael Richter
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
$X from $Start to $End by $Func
which is equivalent to {$X,Func($X)} folds {$Start,$End}
It's also equivalent to FOR X = 1 TO 100 STEP 3, just a bit more general.
I thought I'd left that behind me in the '70s. It appears Dijkstra may
have been right.
"Perhaps people don't believe this, but throughout all of the discussions
of entering China our focus has really been what's best for the Chinese
people. It's not been about our revenue or profit or whatnot."
--Sergey Brin, demonstrating the emptiness of the "don't be evil" mantra.
Peter Schachte
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
$X from $Start to $End by $Func
which is equivalent to {$X,Func($X)} folds {$Start,$End}
It's also equivalent to FOR X = 1 TO 100 STEP 3, just a bit more
general. I thought I'd left that behind me in the '70s. It appears
Dijkstra may have been right.
Dijkstra was usually right.

Since the expressiveness of the folds and from-to-by syntaxes are about
the same, the matter should be decided on convenience/readability. So
which would you find more readable or more convenient?
Peter Schachte All truth goes through three stages. First
University of Melbourne it is ridiculed. Then it is violently
***@unimelb.edu.au opposed. Finally, it is accepted as
www.cs.mu.oz.au/~schachte/ self-evident. -- Schoepenhouer
Phone: +61 3 8344 1338
Mark Brown
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
$X from $Start to $End by $Func
which is equivalent to {$X,Func($X)} folds {$Start,$End}
It's also equivalent to FOR X = 1 TO 100 STEP 3, just a bit more general. I
thought I'd left that behind me in the '70s. It appears Dijkstra may have
been right.
Are you referring to this:

"No loop should be written down without providing a proof for termination
nor without stating the relation whose invariance will not be destroyed by
the execution of the repeatable statement." [0]



[0] http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/transcriptions/EWD03xx/EWD340.html
Mark Brown
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
The keyword 'maps' seems a bit quirky. Why not 'in'? It reads much
more naturally.
Given the semantics, 'maps' and 'folds' are both instances of 'in'. I
needed to distinguish the two cases so the syntax is unambiguous, and
I thought the analogy with the map and fold predicates was reasonable.

The inspiration for this dual approach, BTW, is that Joachim encoded
his map-like sequences into fold-like ones, whereas you encoded
fold-like sequences into map-like ones (using thread/2). It reminded
me of how functions can be encoded as predicates and vice-versa,
particularly since functions are a natural fit for list.map whereas
list.fold works more naturally with predicates. Mercury has both
functions and predicates, so it seemed in the spirit of things to
include both maps and folds on equal footing.
Post by Peter Schachte
Also, using square brackets for what must be pairs of
values in the folding syntax runs counter to the arbitrary length of
lists. How about using braces (tuples) instead?
Post by Peter Schachte
Your example uses "[I, I + 1] folds [0, N]", but wouldn't 'I in 0..N' do
the same thing, and read much better?
They look like fenceposts! :-D

Picture a fence made up of N segments, with fenceposts between each
segment, as well as at the start and end. The fenceposts are numbered
from 0 to N. If you were iterating over the segments of the fence,
each segment would look like [I, I + 1]. The fence as a whole looks
like [0, N].

Compare with <http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/F/fencepost-error.html>.

The expression 'I in 0..N' might be more susceptible to fencepost
errors. (Indeed, perhaps you meant to write 'I in 0..(N-1)'?)
Post by Peter Schachte
I really like the 'mismatch' goal. I assume the default mismatch goal
is 'fail', but you could make it 'true' if you wanted, or an error, as
in your example, or unifications to give final values for folds. Nice.
It seems necessary to give the user a choice between failing and
throwing an exception, since the code that converts one fixed choice
to the other is klunky in either case.

Allowing success doesn't work out nicely, though. If an goal succeeds
in a mode where there are two input sequences that don't correspond,
then, for consistency, it must also produce that solution when there
is only one input sequence. There's an infinite number of these
solutions: one for each output sequence whose length doesn't
Post by Peter Schachte
Having "do true" on the end may be reasonably common; you could make the
'do' optional, and true the default goal.
That would lead to a "dangling do" problem. You don't want to go there.

Peter Schachte
11 years ago
Post by Mark Brown
Post by Peter Schachte
The keyword 'maps' seems a bit quirky. Why not 'in'? It reads much
more naturally.
Given the semantics, 'maps' and 'folds' are both instances of 'in'. I
needed to distinguish the two cases so the syntax is unambiguous, and
I thought the analogy with the map and fold predicates was reasonable.
I didn't see an 'in' in the proposal, so I don't see why you can't use
'in' as a generator.

This proposal is reminiscent of list comprehensions, where the maps and
folds constructs are analogous to the generator expressions. Hence the
proposal for incorporating filtering.
Post by Mark Brown
Post by Peter Schachte
Having "do true" on the end may be reasonably common; you could make the
'do' optional, and true the default goal.
That would lead to a "dangling do" problem. You don't want to go there.
What associativity did you plan for 'for' to have? I assumed it would
be such that nested fors would need to be parenthesised, in which case
dangling dos can't happen.
Peter Schachte In theory, theory and practice are the
University of Melbourne same, but in practice they are not. --
***@unimelb.edu.au Keith Rollins
Phone: +61 3 8344 1338
Mark Brown
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
Post by Mark Brown
Post by Peter Schachte
The keyword 'maps' seems a bit quirky. Why not 'in'? It reads much
more naturally.
Given the semantics, 'maps' and 'folds' are both instances of 'in'. I
needed to distinguish the two cases so the syntax is unambiguous, and
I thought the analogy with the map and fold predicates was reasonable.
I didn't see an 'in' in the proposal, so I don't see why you can't use
'in' as a generator.
Do you mean using 'in' in place of both 'maps' and 'folds', or just 'maps'?
I hadn't thought that far, admittedly.

Mark Brown
11 years ago
Post by Peter Schachte
This proposal is reminiscent of list comprehensions, where the maps and
folds constructs are analogous to the generator expressions. Hence the
proposal for incorporating filtering.
I agree, and your proposal seems reasonable. Does it interact okay
with multi-modedness?

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